Monday, October 11, 2010

If I could

If I could
I would always tell the truth
I would always love you
from the heart

If I could
I would take you in my arms
Take you inside
into my heart

If I could
I would be the place you turn
when you're feeling lonely
Or afraid
I would shine
Like a lantern in the dark

Take you inside
Into my heart
When you feel as if
you don't know who you are
I'll remind you with my love

If I could
I would always keep you safe
Take you inside
into my heart
When you feel as if
You simply can't go on
I'll remind you that you're strong!

If I could
I would love you as you are
Take you inside
into my heart
into my arms
into... my life
source : Asma Nadia book "Jadian, boleh dong?"

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